Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting My Craft On...Diaper Cakes!

I have missed out on Marcia's Crafty Link Up over at 1,2,3 Blog for the past couple months and I saw her post tonight and thought...WHAT CRAFTINESS HAVE I BEEN UP TOO??

The answer: Zip. Zilch. Nada!

The solution:  Go back a couple years and dig out some cool craftiness that I HAVE completed.

(Ya, I'm not only crafty but super resourceful too!  Maybe even a little narcissistic?? LOL!)

Allow me to present my "GO TO GIFT" for any Mommy-To-Be...A Diaper Cake!

Note: I just tried to type out the "ingredients" and a step-by-step "how to" guide and realized that without pictures, it's too hard to explain.  Not to worry though, I happen to be making one in the next week or two and I promise to get it written up with a FULL pictorial and posted ASAP.

Until then...I leave you with a few FINISHED CAKES (from the past)!

Have you got your CRAFT ON these days??  Then come and link up!


  1. Those are beautiful! I'd never heard of a diaper cake until the year before our girls were born. They're so cute, though! ;)

  2. Gosh, you are amazing. Those look fantastic.

    Ps mine will have to wait til next week because I omly have the dreaded iPad here

  3. I love diaper cakes! I've made some over the years too! Yours are adorable!



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