Friday, April 6, 2012

Songs That Make US Sing Saturday Linky Party! Happy Easter...

I LOVE the Easter Bunny as much as the next guy but Easter REALLY IS about Jesus...
Get your dancing shoes on and those singing voices ready because ME, Ginger of Just Another Mom of Twins and Becca of Because I'm the Mommy are hosting "Songs That Make Us Sing Saturday Blog Hop!!" 
Here is just a few guidelines:

1.  Please Follow the TWO of "Us"  (we're so much more than just songs...LOL) If you're a new follower please leave us a comment so we can follow you back!
2. Pick A Song...any song that makes you wanna sing! Old-New-Country-Pop-Punk...anything goes. (Let's try to keep it family friendly if we can...LOL) If you want, tell us why the song makes you wanna SING!
3.  Add your link to the "Playlist"
4.  We'd REALLY like you to copy the Linky Code (just click on "get the code") in to your post so your blogger buds can join in on the fun or link back to the both of us so they can at least "find" the party, but you don't have to.
5.  We'd love to see the video of your song (which can easily be shared via but if you just wanna list your favorite song of the day, we're "cool" with that too!
6.  Hey, and don't forget to grab our button while you are at it.  (BCIMommy still likes it cause she thinks it sounds dirty. *teehee*)

Just Another Mom of Twins

I've said it BEFORE, I am not a faithful Church-going individual. I might even go as far as to say that I am not a fan of "traditional" teachings in a "traditional" setting but I do believe in God and look to him for guidance and strength. I am a spiritual individual and try to live my life with strong morals and values. I trust that when my judgement comes that the good will outweigh the bad and that I will be welcomed into the arms of the "man upstairs"  (WoW! That was a little deep for me...LOL!).

Anywho, I love music and today I want to share with you a song that I have been know to belt out with the Man In Black (I'm the one singing the REALLY high pitches notes BTW!) and one of my all time favorite albums by Johnny is his renditions of traditional and original gospel's one of my fav's that I found set to pictures that some may find disturbing but the reason for the season IS Jesus and the sacrfice he made for us all!

Happy Easter Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great song, Ginger! My parents had a couple of Johnny's albums, but none with his gospel songs on them. I've heard this song before, but not for many, many years. (you did a marvelous job on the backup vocals, btw! LOL)

    I'm very much the same as you when it comes to "organized religion". I was raised Catholic and went to parochial school from K-12 and it isn't like religion was ever shoved down my throat, but there's a lot about certain tenets of the church that I have "issues" with.

    Anywhoo.... Sending my very best wishes for a joyful and blessed Easter to you and your lovely family! ~Mary

    PS: I haven't abandoned you guys or STMUSS... It's just been extremely hectic and chaotic around here the past couple of weeks. I'll definitely be linking up next week though! :~)



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