Monday, June 4, 2012

Scrapbooking Retreats & Freindships. Mama Loves...

It's that time of the week agagin to post something YOU LOVE...check out Julia's awesome Blog Hop Linky over at Pontifications of a Twin Mom to get some ideas and join in!

I know I've posted about my Scrapbooking retreats before but I just have to say write about it ONE MORE TIME!

I absolutely LOVE my weekends away scrapbooking.  The creativity just flows and the memories come rushing back.  It truly is a time to reflect and document, something I hope both Ave & Bryce will appreciate and love years from now.

In addition to not having to mind the children being able to do what I love to do as a hobby, I also get to spend some quality "girl-time" with my friends.  We giggle about things we've done, set plans for things we've yet to do and most importantly, we solidify our friendships.  *sigh*  Life is so good.

Here are a few "snap shots" of some of my favorite pages I "created"!

And so, this week Mama is loving her scrapbooking retreats & time away with her girlfriends. 

Some things Mama Loves you just can't buy!!!


  1. Your pages look awesome! And I'm always so downright jealous of your retreats! ;) That always sounds like the best fun!!!

    By the way...really random (at least to this post)...but I don't think I commented this a few days ago. I'm so glad I know how to pronounce Ave's name now! I catch myself "practicing" in my head, trying to make sure I remember! I try to be a stickler for pronouncing people's names correctly. :)

  2. Wow, Ginger, what beautiful work! I wish I did a better job of scrapbooking. Besides a few pictures we've had done professionally, I, ashamedly, haven't printed many pictures of the girls, which is completely not a representation of how many pictures we HAVE (thousands, maybe 10s of thousands).

    I have made a picture book with Shutterfly (two, in fact!). So I guess that's a start :)



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