Monday, September 10, 2012

Bribery, A Timer, A Chart and a Party! Potty Training Ginger's Way!

The moment I have dreaded since giving birth has arrived upon our household.  Potty Training.  I can't express with enough emotion how greatly I did not happily anticipate this moment.  So much so, that I have effectively, meaning used diapers with little guilt and all the conveniences of them, avoided toilet training Ave & Bryce for 2 years and 8 months. It was time.  Actually, it was overdo. And so, I starting the daunting task of figuring out the "HOW"...

Like any GREAT MOM I decided to go with Bribery, A Timer, A Chart and a Party!

The Charts
*These are 3 week charts.  I figured if I was going to "go for it" I had better make it for AT LEAST 3 weeks long!

The Pee Bribes
*They get a skittle for sitting on the toilet and another one if they pee PLUS a sticker for their chart!

The Poo Bribes
*These are a variety of dollar store toys like bracelets, dinosaurs, night lights, etc. PLUS a big sticker for their chart

The No Accident Bribes
*These are LARGER bribes like big books, musical instruments, wood puzzles, etc.

The Timer
*More for Mommy than the kiddies, every 15 minutes it's off to the toilet we go!!

The Toilets
*Can you say "DEAL OF THE WEEK?"  These were only $18.00...awesome!

*That needed it's own post...LOL!*

So far...not bad.  The morning of the party was a little "rough" but I mean really, they had one successful pee each and a ton few accidents but after their nap, Ave stayed totally dry and pee'd 6 times.  PLUS had a bowel movement...SWEET!!!!  Bryce, well, he'll get the hang of it soon enough!

I shall keep y'all posted on the progress.  We are aiming for fully trained twins by tomorrow the end of the week...we shall see!


  1. Good job Ging! And way to go Ave and Bryce!

  2. Laughing sooo loud BUT when my oldest nephew would call from the bathroom....Aunty Lori - call the toy hotline for a delivery, I pooped in the toilet...hehehe

  3. I've got front row seats for this one. I need all the tips I can get



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