Monday, April 23, 2012

Mama Loves; Swimming...Swimming! In the swimming pool...

...when days are hot and days are cold, in the SWIMMING POOL!

(Any fellow Girl Guides out there singing along with me?!?!?!  LMAO!)

I am once again linking up with Julia from Pontifications of a Twin Mom for her Mama Loves linky party.

This MAMA LOVES her Puddle Jumper water-wings!

I LOVE these things sooo much that I packed them to come home to Canada from my recent trip to the USA.  I wasn't sure if I could purchase these in Canada (as it turns out, YES I could have) and I was not willing to "risk" it so, I packed them in one of my EIGHT suitcases...LMAO!

The creative juices are slowly BUT surely coming back...I promise!  I am not quite there yet but I have to say that I was EXTREMELY creative in getting Ave & Bryce to LOVE the water while we were in Florida this trip.

Bryce is a natural born "water-baby".  After the second time in the pool with his new fancy "chest-water-wings" he was confidently floating around the pool with little to no support.  Ave, on the other hand, was just a tad more "cautious" until I continued to assure and "work" with her.  She was confidently "jumping" off the side of the pool into the water after about 3 visits.  Impressive?  I thought so too! LOL!

As you will see...they both LOVED being with mom in the pool and had little inhibitions going "underwater" under the guiding, loving hands of mama!

Go On Now...Link Up and Tell Us What YOU LOVE!


  1. I have heard such awesome comments on those. We're planning swim lessons for our girls this summer, so I'm not sure what to expect, but - depending on our success (!) - we may have to invest in some of those. :)

    So glad to see you back in blogging action! I've missed you!

  2. I've heard those are amazing---love that it gave your Ave the confidence she needed to get used to the water :)

    Our girls will be starting swimming lessons this summer. Depending on how that goes----I think we'll need a get some of these :)

    Thanks so much for linking up, Ginger! :)

  3. Lovely blog and just loved the video. We must teach our toddlers to swim as swim is great cardio exercise to lose weight by burning fat and regulating metabolism. Swimming improve muscle strength, acrobatic capacity and makes hips, shoulders, back and arms muscles strong.



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