Saturday, December 21, 2013

Elf on the Shelf. Days 15-21. By the middle of Day 21, the Elves were GONE!!!

Are you wondering where this month has gone??  I know I sure am!

Only 4 days until the BIG GUY arrives and I have to say this is the first year in MANY years that I actually do not feel "prepared"!  *slight panicked tone*

Anywho, Tangled and Guy have been up to some more adventures this week.  Check it out...

Note:  Just click on the photos to enlarge

Day 15- Guy and Tangled decide to send the kids on a little "treasure hunt" to find there special surprise this morning.  They loved trying to guess the riddles to find their Elves and then their advent prize for the day!!
This was on the post in the living room that they saw first thing when they woke up.

Which lead them to the Elves who were handing out in the freezer.
(Tangled and Guy were trying out their new scarfs and boots they got from Santa!!)

This clue lead them to their morning surprise... the bathroom were some pretty neat "snow-blowing" wands!!

Day 16-  The Elves took it "easy" this morning and hung out on the Christmas tree but they were nice enuff to bring the kids some new ornaments for their trees in their rooms.

Day 17-  It was tea PAR-tay time in our house.  Tangled and Guy gathered with a few "festive" friends and snacked on pretzels and enjoyed some "tea".  They left the kids some Gingerbread "cookies" to decorate!

Day 18-  The Elves decided to have a wrapping paper fight as they got into mama's wrapping paper.  We think it was a "draw" as both Tangled & Guy ended up covered in wrapping paper and tape.  They did manage to wrap a new pair of PJ's for each of the kids before wrapping themselves!  LOL!

Day 19- Ave & Bryce were heading to Grandma & Grandpa's for the day so the Elves found these aprons from last Christmas and a package of cookies for them to bring over to their grandparents.

Day 20-  Keeping in time with last weeks camping trip, Tangled and Guy roasted some marshmallows over an open fake fire and left the kids a few to have in the morning AS WELL AS some skittles.  (Mom made them wait until the afternoon to have these!)

Day 21-  ALL ABOARD!  Those Elves were BUSY during the night setting up a train set AND getting a special delivery from our close family friends in Porcupine.  They LOVED watching that train go around and around and around and around....

 ...too bad they were super-extra NAUGHTY during the day because Santa called Tangled and Guy back to the North Pole early and left them with a very "serious" message .  Imagine there surprise when they got up from their nap and their elves and train were GONE?!?!

  I THINK it has been a successful maneuver as we have had two little angels on our hands this evening.  Guess I better get to planning day number 22...LMAO!

It was quite the "dramatic" letter reading session with the kids...
They kept asking where their elves were and where the train was...

Good Bye Train...until next year!

Only 4 days left and then all this Elf-ing will be over.  

A part of me is happy (it's a lot of work) BUT a bigger part of me is sad because I know these magical years of Elf-ing are going to be short-lived and I hate knowing that I will not be able to use this behaviour modification "Elf-thing" forever someday my kids will not believe in the magic of Elf-ing...or will they?!?!?!

Happy Elf-ing Everyone!!

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