Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cutest Kids Contest...My Dilemma!

I have a confession...ok, well it's not REALLY a "true" confession because everyone who knows me in the "real-world" knows this but I am confessing to my new found "blogger buds"...I entered Ave & Bryce in my city's Cutest Kids Contest and I think I now have a greater appreciation for the obsessive, out-of-control, "My Kid IS the Best, "gotta do EVERYTHING & ANYTHING to win", mentality of those moms I've seen on Toddlers & Tiaras...appreciation is the wrong word...understanding might fit how I am feeling right now. LOL

Where I once sat on my couch in utter disbelief of these moms delusional ideas that their little girls were gonna be the next Miss America and how full of shame they should be...I am guilty of some of that delusional behaviour (minus the vocalization and public displays), on a MUCH smaller scale however!  Because I have myself convinced that either Ave or Bryce is gonna snag the title of "Cutest Kid" and the $35,000 dollar prize package...delusional I gets even better...see my Dilemma below!

Let me back up a little...Who doesn't think their kid (s) are the cutest E-V-E-R??  And so started my very daunting, time-consuming task of entering them into the contest of a lifetime! *please insert a dramatic pause and music here*  (Ok, so not a contest of a lifetime but get the point I'm sure.)

It's important to know that this contest was not for the faint hearted, the un-dedicated or employed for that matter.  It required a lot of monitoring, shameful begging of "votes" from family and friends and a little faith that the world might just see Ave and/or Bryce as the cutest kids that they truly are (No bias here).  Initial submissions of entries was at the beginning of May and then the FIRST round of "voting" began in the middle of May for 2 weeks, the TOP 98  were then posted for an ADDITIONAL 2 week "voting" period and the contest closed last night at midnight. (Both made the TOP 98 out of 1900 entries...I'm not bragging...I'm just saying...LOL) 

Disclaimer- Before anyone says it, lectures me and/or judges me, let me be the first to admit that the thought of having people"vote" on children to be the cutest kid is a little disturbing but it was a lot of fun and a little bit of daily excitement for "us". (pathetic...I know but at least I can admit it) While disturbing & shameful...I believe totally harmless.

Enough of the Babble Ginger...What the Heck is the Dilemma?  (Dilemma is perhaps a bit too "dramatic" but hey it caught your attention didn't it?)

Picture this if you will...I open my email this morning and the first email that catches my eye is titled "Congratulations!  The Cutest Kid Contest"  My heart is racing at this point, even though I know that the contest just ended only 7 hours prior and the winner will not be announced until Friday.  (In actuality, the mail was time stamped 12:01 am, something I didn't notice until after I had re-read the email a second time...LOL!)

Here was the opening sentence:  "Congrats on being one of the 98 finalists!"

My mind read:   "Congrats you really do have the cutest kids in the whole wide world! You are the WINNER...WINNER...WINNER!" 

I then went on to read: "On Friday, June 17th we will crown the 2011’s  Cutest Kid.  We request that you and your child are home between 8:00am – 8:30am on Friday, June 17th, as we will be surprising the winner at their home!  If you have changed addresses recently please let us know so we can make sure we show up at the right place. J

I realized that my delusional "momma, toddler & tiaras" mentality was stronger than I had ever imagined and thought WTH is wrong with me??  As I gets worse...

Arriving at the Dilemma NOW (I tend to taking the long-road there sometimes...actually, most of the time...apologies)

 "To get up early, shower, dress X3 AND clean the house?"  That is the question...I mean dilemma!  (I know, I know so not of great importance given the odds of them ringing my door bell at 8am tomorrow  given the state of the world, how can I even label this a "dilemma?  As if I am even blogging about such an insignificant issue....another shameful moment I'm afraid.)

Since when did Radio Stations start going to peoples houses?  What ever happened to the ole' "phone the winner" concept....ANYWAYS...the thought of having someone knock on my door at 8:00 am without any CONFIRMED knowledge of their visit, sends me into a tailspin!  I am NOT a dirty housekeeper but I certainly would need to "tidy" before guests were ever permitted on the premises.  As well, the kids and I are known for having "Pajama Days" more often than, "Let's Get Dressed" days.  So I am sure you can appreciate where I coming from...right?!?! No?  Not even a little-bit? :)

Well then, until I decide as to whether or not to feed into my fantasy based thoughts that at 8:00 am SHARP tomorrow morning, the doorbell will ring and there standing before me will be some of this cities largest radio personalities with balloons and cameras and a big fat cheque...oh wait...that's my other fantasy about winning the Publishers Clearing House the very least I WILL pick out our "BEST" PJ's to put on before bed tonight and MAYBE I'll consider brushing my teeth & hair before know...Just in case!

Happy Thursday! 

Oh and By the Way, I don't remember providing them with my address when I registered the kids??  I have  been know to "protect" my real contact information for fear of "identity theft"...ooopps...that would be funny...maybe we'll have to save the "Best PJ's" for another day?!?!?


  1. Oh "Ginger"--if that is your real name, I'm not even sure where to begin....

    One, it kinda creeps me out that they are going to show up at your home but...depending on the layout of your home, you only have to have the entry way and living room cleaned--the rest of the house can be a pit, they're never going to see it.
    Two, the kids can be in cute pjs but you need to be dressed mommy casual--jeans and a cute top.
    And three, your kids are totally cute enough to win it! Go Team Ginger! :)

  2. Yup, Ginger is my real, I do not have red hair...LOL!

    Thanks for the post but as it turned knock on the door this morning...darn...oh well, there is always next year! :)

    Have a great weekend!

    And had I read your post earlier, I would have gotten dressed...that was not my intention but I suppose you were right...see, I jinxed myself. ;)

  3. Oh, I forgot to say thanks soooo much for telling me that my kids are totally cute!!!



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