ere is what our tiny Elves have been up to this week...
DAY 15
Tangled & Guy decided they'd
"Go Fishing" on Monday morning! I am not sure what the kids enjoyed more, their new books or that they got to eat Goldfish out of the
"pond" all day?!?!?! Ave was quick to let me know when the
"pond" was empty and needed
DAY 16
Guy & Tangled made a pit-stop in my hometown of Porcupine, ON on the way back from the North Pole on Tuesday. They brought a special delivery for each of them from our besties.
It was like Christmas morning as they opened their surprises!!
Side Note: I love being able to spread the gift-giving from friends over different days as I think the kids appreciate the gifts more and truly understand who they are from.
DAY 17
Ave & Bryce were delighted when they woke in the morning to find their Elf hanging on their bedroom door knobs with a special Christmas hanging decoration. They did
VERY WELL not touching Guy or Tangled but poor Bruce had to give himself many reminders...
"Don't touch Guy. He will loose his magic Brycie!" LMAO!
DAY 18
It would seem that our Elves have acquired some artistic skills in the last couple weeks...you should have heard Ave & Bryce when they saw their picture with
graffiti art drawn all over it...sheer panic...it was hilarious! I let them know that it would all come off the next day when Guy & Tangled flew back to the North Pole and when Ave asked
"How?" I simply stated,
"With Magic!" Her eyes got as big as saucers and said,
"Ohhhh right! Tangled & Guy have magic powers!" Precious.
DAY 19
Mommy the Elves were tired this morning so they decided to just hang out on the fishy-mobile
BUT they did bring a pretty cool present...a growing Santa & Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Apparently, in 2-3 days they are gonna be
HUGE! We shall see. (The kids will be super disappointed if they don't because I made such a
BIG deal out of the gifts in lieu of the unexciting Elf-Adventure this morning...LMAO!)
DAY 20
Saturday afternoon was our annual Twins, Triplets & More Association Christmas Party so, Tangled & Guy decided to let Santa know what
THEY wanted for Christmas and reminded them to get their
"wish lists" in order. They also gave the kids some
"I love Santa" buttons to wear to the party!!
DAY 21
Splish...Splash...Tangled and Guy took a Marshmallow Bath!!! They also borught the kids some Christmas facecloths for THEIR baths that afternoon...how thoughful!!
Check Out What Happens When An Elf is *GASP*
T-O-U-C-H-E-D!! A Fellow Scout Elf's Traumatic Day This Past Week...
Ave & Bryce have been a good little boy & girl when it comes to not touching their Elf. I think that they understand the whole
"they will loose their Magic and get sick" because of how many times they have watched the Elf on the Shelf movie & how I go on and on and on and on about it...LOL! My friend Lisa and I, who is also having some grand adventures with their Elf, came up with a contingency plan (before we even started "elfing") in the event one of our kids did the "unthinkable"
(Dramatic? Yes, I know. LOL!)
This week, one of her kids touched their Elf, Nike, he didn't make an appearance the day after and when he did
FINALLY return..
.we'll this picture says a thousand words and one of them is AWESOME!!
Nike the Elf recouping from the touch of a child...LMAO!!!! |
Only ONE WEEK LEFT...where oh where has this month gone???? I'm the Elves are really sad their time is almost up...maybe I could arrange they could come for visits from time to time throughout the year?!?!
See you next week!