Friday, September 7, 2012

F.A.T. Friday! A Double Feature...

Welcome to my weekly edition of F.A.T. Friday.  No, not FAT as in F-A-T but as in Forging Ahead Together to get/stay healthy!! 

This Week's Suggested Topic WasWhat’s your support system like?  How do family and/or friends support or not support you?  Do you reach out to strangers via message boards, blogs, etc.?  In addition..."Say Cheese!" it's picture time...come on, show off your success!!!

I have a great support system.  I always have.  My mom has been my biggest cheerleader since I was kid and has always supported me to be as healthy as I can be.  My dad has also been supportive, in his own way, throughout the years.  Daddy Dave is always someone I can count on to be in my "court" and his love for me is not dependent on a number on the scale.  My friends, mostly, are extremely supportive and love to hear how I am doing on this journey.  All their supportive words and showering of verbal praise about my success so far is truly empowering.  But... the years go by and my attempts at weigh loss grows and my long term success weans, it's hard for those closest to me to stay "super-supportive" and I get it.  I. Totally. Get. It.  I mean really, how many times in one lifetime can you get super excited and "pumped" about someones dedication to weight loss when in actuality their success is short lived or sometimes not sincere?  It's kinda like the serial cheater who says they will never do "it" again or the alcoholic that swears up and down that "this" is their last drink...forever...only to have them "re-offend".  It's heartbreaking and extremely discouraging for them AND for you as their supporter.  Being an "offender" I can honestly say that there comes a time when you can't depend nor should you rely on family & friends to "ra..ra..ra" you through what NEEDS to be YOUR life change.  The success and/or failure needs to be YOURS and YOURS ALONE.  I have reached that point and I have embraced it and accepted the responsibility thereby lifting that responsibility off my loved ones.  Your Welcome.  LOL!
One of my "NEWEST" supporters comes from a surprising place.  At least for me.  You see, the first time I did the Dr. B. Diet, the weekly 3 day a week weigh ins were much like going to sterile, baron Dr's office.  The staff were not at all friendly or engaging.  You weighed in, you saw a nurse, she gave you a "poke" and that was the end of it.  I didn't enjoy having to go there because my successes were never celebrated or even acknowledged.  I dreaded having to go weigh in on days i had "slipped" because when I had a "bad" day, they would suddenly find their voices and give me $hit!  Blah!  It was a miserable few months.  
However, this time around (at a new clinic) I actually look forward to my visits.  It's a welcoming and super-dooper friendly environment.  The ladies there know me by name, they always great me with a huge smile and when they ask me how I am doing, the "mean" it.  They really want to know.  They love my kids and when I don't bring them in with me, they genuinely miss them.  That makes me feel good.  Now, I'm not the kinda gal who needs ongoing pats on the back or verbal encouragement, especially if it's phony but these woman at my Dr. B clinic feel like friends to me.  Real friends, who care about my success and failures.   I love when I get on the scale and I get a 'Way to Go Girl!  You're down 2 pounds!" or when the number goes up, I like hearing "It could have been worse and at least you had fun right?"  RIGHT!  Those are the kinda comments that keeps me motivated and makes me feel accountable...not guilty.  On the days that I feel like "cheating" or going "off", it's not my family that keeps me accountable, it's THEM. I don't want to disappoint myself OR them.  Thanks ladies!
It's been 3 1/2 weeks since the kids have been to Dr. B and I know when we go in this week it's going to be like a little "family reunion" and that, in large part, is what is "supporting" me to move forward and stay committed to this journey to a healthy lifestyle.  Thanks AGAIN ladies!
As promised, here are some updated pics of my success and the dress I decided to wear to my friends wedding a couple weeks ago...
 Dress #1 Fun & Funky
                                        May 31st - 257.4 pounds           Aug 30th- 238.6 pounds

Dress #2 Chic & Sophistcated
      May 31st - 257.4 pounds           Aug 30th- 238.6 pounds

Dress #3- "THE ONE"
It feels GREAT to have lost weight & inches!!

That having been said, it's been a rough couple weeks.  I have overindulged and been off program for a few days each week.  It's been a lot of fun and super yummy but it's time to get my a$$ back on track.  

Without further ado, here are the past two weeks weigh in stats:
Week #10- Wednesday August 29, 2012

Start Weight: 282 pounds

Goal Weight: 150 pounds

Last Week's Weight: 238.6 pounds

Current Weight: 238.4 pounds

Weight Lost this Week: .2 pounds 

Total Lost to Date: 43.6 pounds

Week #11- Wednesday September 5, 2012

Start Weight: 282 pounds

Goal Weight: 150 pounds

Last Week's Weight: 238.4 pounds

Current Weight: 238.4 pounds

Weight Lost this Week: 0 pounds 

Total Lost to Date: 43.6 pounds

Next Week's Suggested Topic:  What do you eat in a day?  Share a favorite recipe or two? 


  1. Good job is sooo important and the stuff about an alcoholic...hilarious!! but yes your journey and no one else!! keep going!!

  2. awesome job, Ginger and I liked that you still went with blue. the first blue one was my choice for you :)

    Support is HUGELY important. When I was on Weigh Less years ago I did so well because I had a fantastic group leader.

  3. When I was in Calgary decided to eat what Ginger ate....yikes not easy but she makes it easier with well thought out delicious meals with stuff that is only allowed on Dr. B. I lost 9 lbs in 3.5 weeks which is awesome for me as I have done so many weight loss programs with no success. I am back in Ontario now and wanted to keep it well but so hungry and I know it is the bars I am missing. I will do better when I get them delivered. I had to start on a new scale so according that since coming home I have remained the same so that is good that I have not gained. Keep up the good work darling daughter and thanks for helping me get started and I really feel committed to continue at least til we go out east then come home and again til go to Florida...small steps at least.

  4. The pictures look great, Ginger! I know it feels good to not only *feel* better, but to be able to *see* the results!

    Here's to getting back on can do it! Hugs to you!!!



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