Monday, February 13, 2012

A Valentine's Day Cleaning Party? Only In My Neck Of The Woods...

Ya.  You Read That Right.  I threw a NORWEX cleaning party yesterday afternoon and turned it into a DE-licious Valentine's Day celebration....LOL!

Norwex is a fabulous line of environmentally friendly, chemical free products.  They have some super-dooper, awesome microfibre technology and cleaning products that can kick some of the nastiest dirt in the buttocks AND all without harmful chemicals.  Can you say AMAZING?

I am going to be hosting a GIVEAWAY this week of some of my favorite Norwex products so, be sure to stay tuned for your opportunity to WIN this "basket of goodies"!  You will NOT be disappointed.  At. All.

But today I wanted to post all the DE-liciousness of the afternoon "treats" for your drooling pleasure!

The Candy Bar
All my friends could fill a bag full of candy-goodness

The DE-licious Sweet Treats Spread

 A Special Thank You to All My Friends for Coming & Enjoying an Afternoon of Sweets and Norwex!!

I can't wait to share my love of these products in my upcoming NORWEX GIVEAWAY!!!  Stay in touch...


  1. What a gorgeous spread! I'm SO wanting to do a candy bar...I LOVE the idea (and I LOVE candy!!!)...but I can't justify it when any kiddos are around. I don't want my girlies to know about all that sugar, and there's no way I could tell them, "This is only for the mommies." HA!

  2. YUM!! I love candy bars! If I could go back in time and redo my wedding I would have a candy bar for my attendees to enjoy! LOL!
    Awesome Ginger! I'm sad I wasn't there to enjoy the sugar high! =)

  3. Oooo I just went to my first Norwex party. I only bought two things since that is all I could afford at the time. I'm going to start wishing to win your giveaway now!

  4. as usual daughter you outdid yourself...although I am not a desert person (too sweet as it is ha ha) I would have loved to be there.....hope you cleaned up well ha ha Mom



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