Sunday, December 11, 2011

I've got a bit of the "Bah Humbug's" Going On...OH-OH!

I GAINED 2 pounds of the 3 pounds I lost last week and I don't wanna talk about it.

Keeping along the same lines of things I don't want to talk about....

I am so ashamed to be admitting THIS.  I feel bad.  I really do.  I've got a bit of the "Bah Humbug's" going on right now and I BET YOU'LL THINK I'M CRAZY!

I just got my first Christmas card in the mail.  I should be happy...right?  But I am ticked.  Again, I feel bad about this but it has LONG been an annoyance of mine when I get mail addressed this way:

I'm terrible.  I know.  BUT really?!?!  I am NOT Mrs. D. Bowes.  I am Ginger Beverly Beals Bowes.  Didn't that "type" of formality go the way of the wind centuries ago?  You know, the one where we are considered the "MRS"? 

I shouldn't be complaining.  Especially given the fact that MANY of the youth today have no idea what "snail mail" IS let alone how to properly address a letter.  Don't believe me?  Ask my girlfriends who's kids range in age from 14 years old to 25 years old...they WILL tell you this IS true.  Sad.  I know.

Point being; you can call me Mrs. Independent, Mrs. Got It Going On, Mrs. I Wear Da Pants...hell, call me Mrs. Bi*ch...just DON'T call me Mrs. D. Bowes.  LOL!

Thank you Ms. "X" for the Christmas card...I love you much & mean no offense. LMAO!

I'm BACK!  My "Bah Humbug's" NEVER Last Long! ( I just gotta get theis Weight Watchers "thing" back on track!)


  1. Wow...the only things I ever get addressed that way are wedding invites! And I just kind of laugh, like really, who still addresses things that way?! When I send back the rsvp's I always "properly" respond as well, but I wonder how many people have no idea how they are supposed to respond as well.
    Okay, and my pet peeve, related to names is my mother...I've been married for 7 years. My name is Megan Hollibaugh. She STILL writes the check out the Megan Kult (my maiden name).'s been 7 years mom! Get over it! LOL!!
    Glad your bah humbugs are over!

  2. Hang in there! Remember, slow and steady wins the race (and sometimes we have to stop and catch our breathe!)

    I am with you on the envelope thing. Around here, it's pretty common on formal wedding invitations. Otherwise, I usually see both names or The Bowes Family.

    Notice I am referencing how other people do it. I haven't sent out personal mail in so long...

  3. I am WITH YOU on the Mrs. "I Belong to My Husband" thing. Even my mom, who would have been 70 soon, told me on numerous occasions that she didn't like that address. If she was any indication, I'd say that's several generations out of date.

    I really considered not changing my last name at all...but living in the south...that's stretching the envelope pretty far. ;)

    Glad your Bah Humbug was short-lived! :) Now I just hope you all get well soon!!!

  4. oh boy, I'm so glad I addressed yours to Ginger and not Mrs :)

    I love how you get over things so quickly.

    BTW, don't stop eating properly - maybe it was a PMS/ ovulating/ period week?



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